Why All-Girls

Our Graduates

Graduates of The Ellis School are extraordinarily accomplished women who, at Ellis, 开始发现他们是谁,他们爱什么.

不管他们的兴趣和背景如何, 他们共同致力于诚信, respect for others, and for one another. 我们的校友都是企业家, athletes, philanthropists, authors, scientists, 医生和母亲, sisters, and friends.


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Alumnae in the News

Long-lasting Results

Self Confidence

List of 3 items.

  • “Ellis helped me find my own voice and taught me to use it confidently and effectively. At Ellis, I learned how to really think about all aspects of an issue in order to come to a conclusion.”

  • 84%

    of graduates credit their overall confidence level to their girls-only education at Ellis.
  • 70%


Academic Ability

List of 3 items.

  • 100%

    of graduates say Ellis encouraged high academic expectations and achievement.
  • 77%

    of graduates rank their overall academic ability as higher than their college peers.
  • “I will always remember Ellis’ supportive environment where learning, reasoning, 求知欲得到了鼓励. Not many environments are as intellectually stimulating as Ellis.”

Organizational Skills

List of 3 items.

  • “澳门新葡新京官方让我成为了一个非常好的学生. I am confident. I know how to study. 我知道如何在公众场合表现自己和讲话. 我知道如何进行研究. 我对核心科目准备充分.”

  • 82%

    of graduates rank their study and organizational skills as better than their peers at college.
  • “Ellis did a great job of teaching me time management and organizational skills, 这一点我在大学时就很欣赏了.”

Social Awareness

List of 3 items.

  • 86%

    of graduates believe they are more culturally aware than their college peers.
  • 81%

    of graduates feel they are better able than their peers to empathize with others.
  • “我肯定比同龄人更有文化意识. Ellis is a diverse environment and I got to know people from many different backgrounds.”